
Making a donation

You can donate online by clicking here and following the easy step by step process.

Want to set up your own fundraising page?

If you are looking to set up a fundraising page to share with your friends and family and you know the appeal you would like to support, then head to the appeal page on our website click the donate link on the page and then click “fundraise for us” at the top of the page.  Sign up either through Facebook or your email address and follow the simple step by step process.

If you want to support the general work of hospital or a particular ward or department then click here then click “fundraise for us” at the top of the page, sign up either through Facebook or your email address and follow the simple step by step process adding details of the ward or department you wish to support in your fundraising story.

Already have an account with JustGiving

Alternatively, if you already have an account with JustGiving you can donate through them and link your own fundraising page to ours:

Just Giving

To donate to Brighter Futures please click here and mention in the message which ward or department you’d like your donation to go to.

Prefer to donate over the phone?

We can take donations by debit/credit card payment over the phone during office hours.  Please contact us Monday -Friday, between 9am – 5pm on: 01793 605631.

Send your donation in by post:

You can download a donation form to send with your donation by clicking here, or write us a letter/note to say what appeal/ward/department you wish to help and make your cheque payable to ‘Brighter Futures’ and send to our address here:

Brighter Futures

Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Marlborough Road



We trust Enthuse to handle the processing of our online payments. You will see their name mentioned on this form and in the address bar.